Rachelle and Kurt’s K-State Alumni Center wedding was an epic celebration of love, remembrance and joyfulness! I’m incredibly excited to feature a preview of their wedding on the La Brisa blog!

     One of my favorite moments from Rachelle and Kurt’s wedding was riding down the elevator with Rachelle before her and Kurt’s first look. She was visibly anxious and as we almost reached the first floor, she says “I know I’ll be fine once I see him. I just need to see him!” Kurt possesses such an even-keeled demeanor. His calmness is incredibly comforting and approachable. I love how much Rachelle needed Kurt on her wedding day. To calm her. To comfort her. To kiss her. And to love her. Together, they are a perfect blend of compassion, passion and brilliance!

     A huge thanks to Autumn of We Chase the Light for providing his immense talent and awesomeness to Rachelle and Kurt’s amazing day! And I must also thank Abby Wempe of Along Came Abby for being a rockstar coordinator who prepped, planned and executed the perfect day that made our job sooooo much easier!

     Congratulations again on celebrating your lifelong commitment! Thank you for trusting me with your wedding photography! Be sure to “LIKE” the La Brisa FB page (www.facebook.com/labrisaphotography) where I will be posting more of your wedding photos! Enjoy your Dominican honeymoon!!!

~ Chris


Check out my latest TOP TEN! post…TOP TEN Reasons Why I am Thankful for Photography!
Check out my latest Dear La Brisa post…Dear Photographers: “How To Prepare For Your First Wedding” By Chris Hsieh!

Tucson Wedding Photographers
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