Hey all!

It’s that time again! For the latest installment of La Brisa’s APW, we’ll be trying to accomplish several things: 1) taking sunrise pictures 2) taking pictures of a couple during sunrise 3) working on backlighting ~ fill flash and silhouettes. Should be another awesome time to meet up with some local photographers and practice!

The nitty-gritty:

WHAT: Engagement Couple + Sunrise Landscape Photography Workshop
WHEN: Sunday, April 26th @ 6:15am (I realize that this is ridiculously early, but that’s the price you pay for sweet sunrise shots!)
WHERE: US24/Blue River Trailhead – Linear Trail: click HERE for directions from Anderson Avenue
WHO: We’ll be taking engagement pictures of a young couple from Manhattan Christian College
WHY: to learn from other photographers, practice and build your portfolios!!!

Please let me know if you’ll be able to attend!!! Space is limited!!!