Hey all!
It’s that time again! For the latest installment of La Brisa’s APW, we’ll be trying to accomplish several things: 1) taking sunrise pictures 2) taking pictures of a couple during sunrise 3) working on backlighting ~ fill flash and silhouettes. Should be another awesome time to meet up with some local photographers and practice!
The nitty-gritty:
WHAT: Engagement Couple + Sunrise Landscape Photography Workshop
WHEN: Sunday, April 26th @ 6:15am (I realize that this is ridiculously early, but that’s the price you pay for sweet sunrise shots!)
WHO: We’ll be taking engagement pictures of a young couple from Manhattan Christian College
WHY: to learn from other photographers, practice and build your portfolios!!!
Please let me know if you’ll be able to attend!!! Space is limited!!!
Hmmm…I have to get up somewhat early that day anyway… I will perhaps, think about it! You’re killin’ me though with that time…but you are absolutely right…that’s the price you pay!
Ali! That would be awesome! is somewhat early anywhere close to 6:15am???