We have an exciting announcement to share with you! And I’ll let Sarah take it from here…
Check out Sarah’s new amazing website – SarahGudeman.com!!!
Please shower her with love and follow her awesomeness on social media!
A few of your family members and friends shared…
Sarah has an incredible talent. She is fun and enjoyable to be around and I think she will soar. I can’t wait for her new adventure as she launches her own business! Cheers to Sarah!! ~ Rachel Wakefield
Sarah!! You are on fire!! I am so excited for you in this next step in life, you have been an incredible example to me and so many others. You serve and love well and it’s 100% evident in your work!! Congratulations, friend 🙂 ~ Ashley Link
I am so beyond excited for you and your new business! As your little sister I have always looked up to you. But now as we are older that has grown so much! You truly have inspired not only me but the world to live out our dreams. Photography has been one of the best things that have happened to you. It has caused you to step out of your comfort zone and live life. You have gained so much confidence! It has been so sweet to watch you transform into a Beautiful Confident Woman! I have not a single doubt that you will be successful in your business! This is another one of your dreams and You are going after it! I am so proud of you and I love you so much! Don’t Forget Philippians 4:16 and Jeremiah 29:11! Now Go kick some ass!!! Love you! ~ Hannah
Sarah, dear, your talent and drive absolutely exude from your every move. I’m only sorry I wasn’t on the team with a long enough overlap to get to shoot with you. I cannot express how happy I am for you and this next big step. Conquer worlds!!! (And weddings) All my love and wishes for your success!! ~ B Mussack
Sarah, you are one killer photographer and I couldn’t be MORE excited for you!!!! With your love for people and talent with a camera, I have no doubt you will be super successful on your own!!! Can’t wait to see how your own business grows and is shaped into something truly your own!!! Love you girl! xoxo! ~ Triniti Jensen
Sarah, we are so proud of you, you show so much determination and strength in everything you do! You take every speed bump with so much the poise and confidence. Most of all though it is obvious how much you love your work, your clients, and your friends and we know this will guide you in your own business. You are amazing Sarah and we can’t wait to see what happens next for you. ~ Darryl Ann & Joe
Sarah gives her whole heart to her passions. And, as you already know, photography is one of those passions. Her perfectionistic qualities mixed with her bubbly personality are going to prove to be an amazing business model. I’m sure of it. ~ Emma York
Sarah, there is no doubt in my mind that your new endeavor will take you to such great heights! It makes me so happy to know you will be taking your passion to a new level, making it even more your own. The amazing quality of your character only reflects in the amazing quality of your photography. Best wishes, my friend! ~ Kayla Stallbaumer
Hi Sarah,
Congratulations on the relaunch of Sarah Gudeman Photography! When I got you your first dSLR as a wedding gift, this was all part of the plan. 😊 It’s exciting to see firsthand how much you have grown as a photographer over the past few years. I’m so proud of you for finding a career that you are passionate about. Your pictures are awesome, and I know you’ll be a great business owner! I can’t wait to see all of the success that Sarah Gudeman Photography will have!
Love Always,
WOW! Where to begin….
You my dear are one of my greatest achievements in life!!! There is nothing more a parent wants than to see their children achieve their dreams and goals! Your Dad and I have watched you grow into a very compassionate, loving, strong, independent, ambitious, creative, gifted young woman! All of that shows up in your photography! I love just sitting and looking through your work. I knowing stepping out in faith is hard for everyone. And some of us never take that step for fear of the unknown or the what ifs. But you my dear have the ability to take this adventure as far and as long as you want it to go! Your work is beautiful!!! And that is mostly because of who you are inside! I’m so excited to see where God will take you with this!!!
You are and always will be a blessing to the lives you touch!!
I am so proud of you!!!
When I first met you at Rebekah and Daniel’s wedding in March 2013, I had no idea that that encounter would significantly change La Brisa and me forever. During that wedding, I saw something in you that reminded me of Autumn and Brandi. You possessed a go-get-them attitude. You were incredibly engaging and helpful. You utilized unique perspectives while shooting and there was something about you that just popped. Two and half years later, I am ridiculously grateful for your dedication, your art and your friendship. In that time, you have shot nearly as many weddings as all of the other La Brisa associates have photographed combined! Seriously, it’s true.
Sarah, your work ethic and your perfectionism are your greatest strengths as well as your biggest weaknesses. I could always count on you to go above and beyond for La Brisa clients. You sincerely wanted them to have the very best experience and you delivered every single time. The best part was that your images were even better than the experience you provided. Your progress and development as a photographer have been extraordinary. From your first La Brisa wedding (Liz and Cole), to your your last La Brisa wedding, your leap as a photographer has been ridiculous. (Sara and Anthony)
What makes me most grateful about your work with La Brisa is that you always highlighted the relationships of your clients. Every emotion was documented and documented well.
Of the hundreds of thoughts of images that you have shot over the past 2.5 years, this is still my favorite image that you have photographed while with La Brisa. The light, the composition and the pose are all incredibly interesting, but more importantly, how Jenna and Brett are looking at each other is what completely strikes me and makes me pause. Everything about this image is absolutely stunning.
After your first twelve to eighteen months with La Brisa, I remember chatting with you and Josh about leaving La Brisa to build your own brand. You were so good at developing new business that I did not want La Brisa to slow you down. I always knew it was a matter of when this day would come and honestly it is bittersweet. Undoubtably, you will be successful with Sarah Gudeman Photography. Already, I can see a shift in your La Brisa work versus your work now. And it is phenomenal. One of the things that I always appreciated about you is how you challenged me with how I operated La Brisa. My hope is that you constantly challenge yourself in your new business. To achieve consistent success, avoid becoming content with what you have and what you are doing. Always focus on where you WANT to go instead of where you are currently heading.
Super fitting that Kate and Glenn’s gorgeous wedding was the last La Brisa wedding that we photographed together!
I am thrilled for you. And I am incredibly proud of you. The launch of Sarah Gudeman Photography is a ginormous step towards being the artist and person that you want to be. Your definition of success will be easily accessible as long as you keep pushing towards your goals. You got this (no clarification needed).
Over the years, you have traveled near and far for La Brisa clients and here is a look back at your adventures (and many hair styles)…
Finally, here are my favorite bride and groom portraits from each of your La Brisa weddings…
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for La Brisa, for the photography community and for me. You are special (intended) and awesome in so many ways and I am eager to watch in awe as you build your empire.
~ Chris
Interested in scheduling your Wedding or Portrait Session with Sarah? Visit her new website by clicking HERE!