I am so excited to feature Ashley & Kendall’s Attraction Session on the blog today! These two were the winners of a portrait session I donated to the “Pop Tabs for Abbey” event. The event collected 515,000 pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in honor of Abbey Rotert. Abbey collected around a million pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in her lifetime and her family continues to collect pop tabs in her honor. Ashley was one of the individuals who helped organize the event, so I was thrilled to hear that she was the raffle winner!

Ashley & Kendall were such a joy to work with! We started at the Jocelyn Museum and then traveled to Memorial Park for the remainder of the session. These two were so laid back and up for anything! I loved getting to know these two and capturing their playful relationship.

If you would like to contribute to the pop tab donation in honor of Abbey, you can find more information here – Pop Tabs For Our Girl, Abbs!

~ Sarah

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