Happy April everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!

Today, I am happy to announce the winner of the La Brisa APW Monthly Photography Competition #2 in the La Brisa Aspiring Photographer Workshop (APW) group on Facebook! For March, the theme was “GREEN” and members of the group voted for their favorite submissions.

Cristen Lotak of Sweet Pickle Pictures won first place for this image entitled “Drops”

If you’re interested in finding out more info about photography related trends, tips, critiques, etc, please request to join the Aspiring Photographer Workshop (APW) group by clicking HERE. And then send a FB message to Chris (http://www.facebook.com/christopherhsieh) about your request. =)

Two rules of the group:
1) be kind. negative/unhelpful comments will be deleted.
2) be willing to share resources/experience/etc with everyone else!