When I first starting pursuing Brisa, little did I know that I needed to obtain the approval and affection of her cat, Willy, first. Seriously. If he liked me, then she would be open to dating me. If he didn’t, well…you know the story. Unfortunately, I wasn’t a cat-lover or even a cat-liker at the time. In fact, in my limited experience with cats, I didn’t have a very favorable opinion of them at all. Apparently though, when he sat in my lap the first time we met, Brisa knew that I was a keeper and we’ve been dating/engaged/married ever since (a little over 9 years)!

Last night, Willy lost his fight with cancer. We bawled. And talked about all of foods that made him super happy and all of the ways he blessed our lives. He was the coolest cat ever. Brisa and I took him everywhere. Plane and car trips from Orange County, CA to UC Davis. A long road trip from UC Davis to Kansas State University. Plane trips from Kansas State University to Washington, DC. Plane trips from Kansas State University to Orange County, CA. Road trip from Kansas State University to Brooklyn, NY. Road trips from Brooklyn, NY to Washington, DC. And then finally a road trip from Brooklyn, NY to Houston, TX. And that’s just in the last 9 years that I’ve known him. Who knows how many trips he made with Brisa in the 2 years prior to that or the 4 years prior to Brisa adopting him.

Big Willy, Big Pimpin, William Wallace, Willyopoly and Little Buddy were just some of his nicknames. His most annoying yet most endearing characteristic was his need to be close to us. Often times in college when I was working on papers or later on when I was editing photos, he insisted that he needed to lay on my keyboard or on my hands at all times. I’d move him off and then he’d just jump back on and start purring and give you that big-eyed look that just melted your heart.

Thank you Willy for being so awesome and for bringing so much joy to our lives. Thank you for taking care of Brisa all of these years and getting her through high school, undergrad, veterinary school, an internship and into residency. You were always her rock and she loves you sooooo much. We will have other cats in the future, but we’ll never have another Willy. You will be missed and never forgotten.

This is why he was called Big Pimpin – surrounded by multiple pillows on a bed PLUS the remote!

Willy at the largest ball of twine

Willy at Taco John’s

A very happy Willy at the Salt Flats

Willy & Pork Bun at Christmas

The last few days were really really tough on all of us. Willy was losing an excessive amount of weight and he wasn’t eating at all. We knew that his time was coming.

His paws were probably his cutest feature and it was really sad to see how noticeable his weight loss was even in his little legs

Goodbye, Little Buddy…

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