Arrrrgh! Yes, in my best pirate voice! It’s been FAR too long since I’ve last blogged and I have a billion sessions to blog too! Craziness! Be ready for a bevy of blogs over the next few days!!! Yay!

You may recall Colton, Lisa, Jake and Bella from their first family session here: Bryant Family! Now, 8 months later, look how much he’s grown! We headed over to Top of the World Park so that Colton could run around and play with some bubbles and with his favorite doggies, Jake and Bella! Lisa specifically asked for individual photos of Colton and the doggies and I was definitely happy to oblige because as you know, I love love taking dog photos! Special thanks to my assistant photographers: Eric of ELS Photography and Jill of Jill Grogg Photography for helping me out on this shoot!

So in full disclosure, after both of my sisters had their beautiful baby boys, I have a new found love for children (used to be completely terrified of them!) and especially boys, BUT these recent experiences also tell me how far away Brisa and I are to settling down with a family of our own! We have a hard enough time managing our canine and feline children!!! But we (mostly Brisa) love spoiling our nephews with clothes and toys as often as we can 🙂

Thanks again to the Bryant family for having me take your pictures! I had an absolutely wonderful time (as always) with your family and I can’t believe how fast Colton is growing! Super excited to see more pictures of him as he gets older!

You can view all of their photos on their online gallery: The Bryant Family! Enjoy!

Time for some doggy love! 🙂

My FAVORITE photo from the session!

One of the things that I really love and cherish about dogs is their insistence to watch over their owners at all times

And finally for some time with Mommy!