I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE when clients take me to new places to shoot! Challenges me a bit and more importantly, offers a very unique backdrop for my very unique clients 🙂 Susan knew exactly where she wanted to take her senior portraits and what she wanted to wear in each area. All I needed to do was point and shoot!!! How awesome is that???

Again, Brandi and Eric of ELS Photography assisted me on this shoot as we headed out to the Oregon Trail Nature Park in Belvue, Kansas for some rockin senior portraits! Typically, I would hook you up with a link to the location, but one does not seem to exist…that’s what makes it a PERFECT location for photographers! 🙂

Susan. is. awesome. and. absolutely. beautiful. seriously.

When I shoot, I usually have about a 25%-30% keeper rate, but with Susan, I felt like I could not take a bad shot even if I tried! With gorgeous long and silky black hair plus a perfect summer tan, and not to mention a make-you-melt smile, Susan was ready to model and she nailed every one of her shots! Through the various outfit and location changes, Susan, with her super fun and kickback personality never ceased to amaze us with her style and beauty! See for yourselves!

To view all of Susan’s SUH-WEET photos, definitely check out her online gallery: Susan ~ Senior Portraits!


Wait for it….wait for it….wait for it……….

…and BAM!

and to show Susan’s true dedication to nailing her pose/shoot, check out the absolutely GINORMOUS bug on her face in this photo!