Continuing with my Kansas Project… one of the most iconic buildings at K-State is Anderson Hall and so I spent some time trying to really convey the location and the aura of the building. What better way to do that than to utilize some nighttime drama? Love to hear what you all think about these! Feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email! Thanks so much!
i like the black and white one the most! i think it has the biggest impact.
The photos of Anderson Hall are fabulous! I love the lights in the pictures. I think you did a great job!
Thanks all! as K-State alums (or soon to be), any other iconic areas of campus that you can recommend?
I’m a huge fan of nighttime photography. There is something so empowering about it! I love the b&w one the best too. When I first moved here, the first thing I shot was the football stadium at dusk. If I were you, I would just go around and shoot EVERYTHING…then weed out later, LOL.
These are awesome! great shots!