Every year, students from the various clinical rotations at the vet school participate in a Gingerbread House Contest which evidently becomes more of a rivalry between clinicians than anything else! A decent number of the fourth year students participate (including, my wife, of course) and I was absolutely astounded/amazed/overwhelmed/awestruck/etc/etc by the exquisite details and creativity of the “houses”! With apologies to my wife, my favorite was the horse carousal. Unbelievable! Check out the horses and it rotates too! Plus everything on it was edible! The event even included a secret judge as well as visits by the dean of the vet school and the head hospital administrator!
I’m so glad you put up these photos! For the last two years, I’ve taken pictures at the gingerbread house unveiling, but I wasn’t there this year. It’s great to see them! Great photos!
Thanks Amy Jo! I was wondering if I would see you over there! It’s crazy how much time and effort those students put into these things while practicing to be doctors 🙂
Krista Adamovich’s mom here in NY, thanks for letting me see her great Gingerbread house/necropsy. I feel left out sometimes and can’t envision what she is talking about. Thanks for the shots of the tornado last year also, it made me so grateful you all were not injured.
Hi Pam! Thanks for the lovely note! I live out here and I feel left out ALL of the time! Those vet students are ridiculous! The end is near though…aren’t you excited???