We had an incredibly busy weekend to launch the start of Spring! Unfortunately, the weather in Omaha and Manhattan weren’t very Spring-esque, but that didn’t stop Autumn and Sarah from rocking their sessions with their trusting clients! I was back in my hometown of San Jose, CA to photograph a high school friend’s wedding (Brianna & Nick | Wedding Preview | Livermore, CA | Chris), a high school friend’s engagement in San Francisco, a college roommate’s engagement in Milpitas and an 45th wedding anniversary Attraction Session in San Jose. Fortunately for me, the weather was absolutely stunning in the Bay Area and I loved being home!

Enjoy a few previews from our “Spring” weekend!

~ Chris

From Autumn!1902722_10152230303243991_114250446_n

From Sarah!1655460_10152230125373991_729760589_o

From Chris!20140321_BriannaNick_036


