Over the last few days, the La Brisa team rendezvous’d in Marana, AZ for the sole purpose of improving our photography. We found clients willing to share some brutally honest feedback with us about communication, comfort level and their overall experience with us. Their insights and suggestions are incredibly helpful in allowing us to continue growing as photographers as well as to be better for future La Brisa Clients. Again, thank you so much!
Autumn, Sarah and I critiqued each other before, during and after each shoot and we had the opportunity to try new poses, compositions and gear. Also, we created a new concept for high school senior portraits that we are excited to share with you later this month!
We realized how important this retreat was for us to challenge each other and to improve La Brisa as a whole. Hopefully, we will do this again in the Fall/Winter! Here is a quick recap of our 4 day, 5 shoot, 8000+ images retreat!
We were incredibly happy to be together again!
First stop from the airport was sushi!
Tara and Stephen’s Attraction Session at South Mountain Park in Phoenix, AZ!
Lindy’s Style Session at the University of Arizona!
The B Family’s Joy Session at Gates Pass in Tucson, AZ!
The M Family’s Joy Session in Tucson, AZ
Crazy Heart Ranch’s Commercial Shoot in Tucson, AZ!
And then this is our cheery morning faces as we left the house at 6am to the airport! Excited for the next La Brisa Retreat!