Holy moly. I am so humbled right now. All month, I have been asking a lot. A lot from the La Brisa Team. A lot from my wife. A lot from all of you. I really really wanted to reach our goal for Photography For a Cause this year because we missed it last year and that broke my heart. Photography For a Cause is my baby. I want it to do so well every year and this year I am completely blown away by all of our awesome supporters. THANK YOU. Thank you to everyone who purchased a print, who helped us spread the word, who liked our countless annoying updates on facebook and who retweeted our links. I am so appreciative and grateful. To everyone who purchased photographs, Autumn, b and I hope that you absolutely LOVE them! You made Photography For a Cause 2012 an overwhelming success!!!

Details of Photography For a Cause 2012:

  • Total Photographs Sold: 282
  • 65 People purchased photographs
  • Average # of photographs sold per order: 4.4
  • Visitors from 37 countries found our blog during the month of April
  • We raised $2,224.60 to donate to two amazing organizations which exceeded our goal of $2,000!!!!

A huge and ginormous thank you goes to Autumn and b. They selflessly donated their fine art photographs to share with all of you without any profit to themselves. Gorgeous photographs that could more than likely sell for 5x the price of what we were asking. You ladies are amazing. And you will never know how much I appreciate your willingness to jump into Photography For a Cause headfirst without any reservations. Thank you. Thank you for being bomb-diggity. Thank you for being my ultimate sounding board for my ridiculous ideas. Thank you for being awesome.

Lastly, I must thank my wife for putting up with me. With constant traveling, late nights working and overwhelming stress about the success of this year’s Photography For a Cause, I have been more troublesome than usual to deal with and yet she has blindly supported me through it all. I love you.

    As an extension of Photography For a Cause, we are partnering with our amazing friends at Anecdotally Yours to offer an Introduction to Portrait Photography Class! Take advantage of the early bird registration fee of $199. Click on this link for the details – http://labrisaphoto.blogspot.com/2012/04/introduction-to-portrait-photography.html

    The following photographs represent the Top 6 most popular sellers from Photography For a Cause 2012!

    Century Oak - Texas A&M | Spring 2010 | College Station, TX Welcome_Spring 2012_San Diego, CA St. John's Lutheran Church | Winter 2011 | Lyons, NE A Pair_Spring 2011_Manhattan, KS Konza Prairie | Winter 2009 | Manhattan, KS Space | Spring 2011 | Manhattan, KS