Semper Fidelis. My best friend is the wife of a Marine and the mother of his child. This particular Marine will be deployed by the time you pay your next month’s rent and I want to acknowledge his service. I have faith in the Marines and all service members and I have faith that he and his men will return home safely. Godspeed, CPT Wilson.
My faith is incredibly important to me. I was born in a Christian home and my father is an ordained Presbyterian Minister. But, I fought Christianity from entering my life until I was in college. Through the help of my then girlfriend now wife, and an amazing church in Davis, CA (Discovery Christian Church), I accepted Christ into my life.
My image shows the cross necklace that I wear everyday and received as a gift from my wife. I wanted to try a setting on my flashes (MULTI) that I have never used before to showcase a different style of movement. I feel as if my faith wavers from time to time, but it is always present and I hope that this image reflects that.
As a photographer, sometime you need to work on things outside of your normal purview and this project is going to help us (and you) challenge, grow and creatively develop your photography as a whole. Weekly for the next year, we will be sharing our images with you here!
For those of you interested in participating, PLEASE join us! The more the merrier! You definitely do not need to be a professional photographer, this is something you can easily do with your point and shoot, cell phone, ipad, etc. You can comment with a link to your image here on our blog or on our La Brisa fan page or you can tag La Brisa Photography in your image on your own FB page or use the hashtag #52WoA on twitter that way we can share your efforts with everyone else! If you are interested in joining our La Brisa Aspiring Photographer Workshop group on FB, please request to join as we will also be sharing our images there too.
Next Thursday, March 29th, Week 35: “Dance (Body in Motion)” will be due. The image must be created between today and March 29th. Good luck!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Here is the full list of 52 Weeks of Awesomeness!
Week 35 Dance (body in motion)
Week 36 Family & Friends
Week 37 SOOC (straight out of the camera)…before & after
Week 38 Patriotic
Week 39 Object: straight up shots and then straight down shots
Week 40 Something at night
Week 41 Something that gives you the feeling of warmth
Week 42 Smell
Week 43 Water
Week 44 Animals
Week 45 Music
Week 46 Reflections/Shadows
Week 47 Flowers
Week 48 Sleep
Week 49 Action Shots
Week 50 Circles
Week 51 Your car
Week 52 Self portrait