b and I host a Facebook Group for the La Brisa Aspiring Photographer Workshops and we are starting a social meetup every month on the Third THURSDAY (TT) for aspiring/experienced photographers to meet and chat about photography, their lives, etc. Well, this past Thursday, was the first TT ever and so we decided to go all out for our amazing photographer friends in Manhattan, Kansas, where La Brisa started! After doing some research, I found a PERFECT location for our meetup at the Pierre Street Inn which is a beautiful bed and breakfast with a professionally trained chef/caterer! If you are looking for a place to stay or if you are hosting an event, I highly recommend the Pierre Street Inn!

We asked everyone to bring in food items to the Flint Hills Breadbasket and we were able to donate 60 pounds to the food bank! How awesome is that? That is right, we rock!

If you are interested in the Aspiring Photographer Workshop group, request to join by clicking HERE. We share what we know with each other and everyone is gracious with their knowledge and time. Photographers of all skill levels are welcome!

Enjoy our ridiculous images! =)

The big group!

The Pierre Street Inn is absolutely gorgeous! Check out these images by b!

We had an Italian inspired menu of light appetizers.

Oh, La Brisa! =)

As a photographer group, of course, we had to take some ridiculous photos together!

Former volleyball players…

Former cheerleaders…

Until the end of 2011, b and I will be offering a very special opportunity to you called the 2012 La Brisa Calendar of Awesomeness! We have filled this calendar with some of our absolute favorite images that we have ever created and we want to share them with you. In honor of our desire to give back, 100% of profits will be donated to the ALS Foundation in honor of Robert “Bobby” Rawle.
These 13.5″x19″ beautiful calendars are $35 plus shipping and can be purchased here – 2012 La Brisa Calendar of Awesomeness.

Check out the preview of the calendar!