Every so often, I host a La Brisa Aspiring Photographer Workshop (APW) that is free for aspiring photographers who want to see how I work in a typical portrait session. We had a phenomenal group of photographers attend, some even drove for several hours and I am greatly appreciative of the turnout, the interaction and hopefully they all were able to learn a few things! APWs are just another way for me to give back with the huge blessing that is La Brisa Photography! If you are interested in attending future APWs, please request to join our facebook group ~ La Brisa Aspiring Photographer Workshop APW.
Special thanks to our newly engaged models, Megan and Dalton for being super fun, gorgeous and absolutely PERFECT for this APW!
Here are the amazing photographers that attended. Thanks again for coming!

Here are some behind the scenes (mostly unflattering) action shots of the attendees in action!