What is it with vet students (now veterinarians) having pets with the most ridiculous health issues? Hip dysplasia, chronic arthritis, severe overbite, obesity, torn ACL (i know there’s a medical term for this, but that’s how my wife explained it to me so that I could understand), mange, heat stroke and that’s not even including all of the stuff they’ve eaten (batteries, rocks, walls, etc) or been impaled on (fish hooks, dog crates, etc). Brisa, Jocelyn and Shauna have seen, experienced and dealt with it all and so they should be more than ready to start their veterinary careers just based on their own animals! 🙂
Here’s the breakdown:
  • Bree – Pure bred bloodhound
  • Reese – Farm raised (literally farm, not a puppy farm) rat terrier
  • Tre – Island raised mutt (no idea what mix she could be)
  • Big Mac – Kill shelter rescue black lab
  • Figgins – Animal shelter rescue golden retriever/collie mutt
  • Paz – Craigslist discovered, Virginian, rottweiler/Australian shepherd/your best guess mutt
But together, they (and their owners) are best friends and hung out together throughout their time in Kansas/vet school! Over the past 4 years, Bree, Tre, Big Mac and Reese have slept over numerous times at our house and at times for several days and I love them as my own, but Tre-Tre and Bree-Bree will always have a special place in my heart! 🙂
Some of the photos are absolutely hilarious, but I won’t post them publicly (so that my wife doesn’t kill me), so you’ll definitely have to check out the online gallery to view all of them: Canine Children!
and this one is too funny not to post! 🙂