I’ve been so behind on blogging! I have two workshops to blog about so I’ll do the other one next week! For APW III, we focused on doing an engagement shoot with composition and framing as well as working with the sunrise light. Hopefully the 5 photographers who attended the session at 6:15am learned a few things and enjoyed the experience!
Our models for the morning were Amber and Jacob (who I know through Manhattan Christian College) and they were amazingly perky and fun at that early early hour of the day! For those of you who know Jacob, he needs a specific type of woman to corral him a bit and Amber is his perfect neutralizer 🙂 Thanks again so much you two for putting up with my whims and for getting up so early in the morning! I sincerely appreciate it!
I totally love teaching others about photography! I am by no means an expert, but it is always fun to shoot with a group of photographers! Hope you all enjoyed the breakfast goodies and that you were able to learn a little something from the workshop! If you are interested in attending the next APW, please leave a comment or shoot me an email!
Ashley Watt Photography ~ website under construction
Michelle Palmer Photography ~ website under construction
Amanda Staats Photography ~ website under construction
To view all of Amber & Jacob’s session (as well as more behind the scenes shots) go to their online gallery: Amber & Jacob ~ ENGAGED!

the morning crew. look how much fun everyone is having! 🙂

Come and join us next time for APW V ~ Bridals!
Hey! These are great! Let me know when you’re doing another one – I would love to join in the fun!
Next APW is June 28th, tentatively set for the evening! We’re doing some bridals as well as bride & groom portraits! should be awesome! 🙂
These are great! Love the shot of the guy with only half his face. Very cool!