Talk about a whirlwind! It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for the wife and me! Just returned from NYC last night after checking out our future apartment, Brisa’s future veterinary clinic and after interviewing for an awesome higher education job in Brooklyn! We are super super excited about what is to come for us in New York and we are entirely grateful for God blessing us with safe travels and absolutely gorgeous weather! After spending just a few days in NYC and only taking a handful of photos, I am unbelievably pumped to photograph the beauty of the city, the diversity of the people and the stunning natural lighting of the entire area!
Just a sneak peak of what’s to come for me in NYC…I can’t wait!!!
I’ve been ridiculously busy with recent shoots and I’m working hard to finish all of my sessions before the summer season truly starts! Here are a few teasers from some of my sessions! Thanks for all of your patience everyone! Your pictures will be finished soon! 🙂
Lindsey & Chris ~ Engaged!

Jenny, Luke & Keaton ~ Family

Amy & Steve ~ Engaged!

Krista & Travis ~ Attraction

Ingram & Mortensen ~ Families

Aspiring Photographer Workshop IV ~ Powers Family