Photography for a Cause 2009 was a HUGE success and I am really excited about this year’s event! In fact, my goal is to DOUBLE last year’s total of $1,009. That’s right, with your help, I am hoping to raise $2,018 this year. Whoa. For the month of April, 100% of print profits will be donated to 2 fantastic non-profit organizations.  
With La Brisa Photography expanding to Manhattan, KS and Brooklyn, NY these days, I wanted to select two amazing organizations that truly give back to their local communities. In Manhattan, KS, we will be donating 50% of all print profits to Shepherd’s Crossing. And in Brooklyn, we will be donating 50% of all print profits to the FDNY’s Family Assistance Unit. Here are quick blurbs from their websites about their purpose: 
Shepherd’s Crossing – began as an idea of local pastors involved with Manhattan Ministerial Association. It was evident from the number of people asking for financial assistance from local churches, that something must be done by the faith community to take care of brothers and sisters in need. 
They offer budget counseling, referrals and financial support to needy families and residents in Riley County and St. George.
FDNY’s Family Assistance Unit – works to assist FDNY families when there is a death, accident or serious illness in the family. After September 11th, the FAU was created to assist families of lost and injured New York Firefighters. 
They make hospital visits, help with final arrangements, assist with benefit applications, coordinate transportation, find the answers to questions and sit and listen. 
The photographs for sale are an assortment from Kansas, New York and other travels. You can find them all in the gallery here: Photography for a Cause! Like last year, Brandi and I will be adding to these galleries so if you have any requests, please let us know! Below are a few teasers that are available for purchase! Thank you again for your help! =)

Here is quick slideshow with help from our awesome friends from! (View the slideshow in HD here Photography for a Cause – Slideshow!